An emergency bag is a great solution to have on hand for your aging adult. A small duffel bag can hold way more than you might think and it’s easy to grab on the way out the door.
Current Information and Documents
Any information about your senior’s health, allergies, medications, and insurance can be helpful in an emergency. Make sure that you’re keeping copies of these types of documents and not the originals. You may want to make it a point to update this file of information regularly just to make sure that you account for changes.
Contact Information
Your elderly family member may not be able to remember contact information in an emergency situation and if you have everything on your phone that may not be helpful if someone else is actually with your senior. Keep a list of family members, doctor’s offices, and any other pertinent contact information with the other documents.
A Change of Clothing
You never know when your senior will be in a situation in which she needs a change of clothing. Keep in mind that clothing can start to smell stale after a few weeks in a bag or suitcase, so it’s a good idea to swap out clothing now and again. You’ll also want to change it out to keep up with the weather.
Distractions and Snacks
Keeping a copy of your elderly family member’s favorite book or music can help her to stay calm and happy no matter what else is going on around her. Favorite games and snacks can also be helpful. Make sure that any food items are non-perishable for best results. Bottled water is also a good idea.
Anything that Helps Her Feel Comfortable
Ultimately, anything that helps your elderly family member to be comfortable while she’s out of her normal routine can be incredibly useful. A soft blanket and a travel pillow can make lots of situations far more bearable, for example. Talk to your elderly family member about what else she might want to include in the bag for those just in case situations.
These types of bags are great for outings, but they’re especially good if your senior has to go to an emergency room or if she’s being evacuated for some reason. Make sure that anyone who spends time with your senior, such as elderly care providers, knows where to find this bag in case it’s needed.
Are you or a family member considering Homecare in Sacramento, CA? Talk to the friendly staff at Golden Years In-Home Senior Care. Call us today at 916-333-0383. We are here when you need us! ——————————————- About the Author, Carrie Ballard:
Golden Years In-Home Senior Care was founded by Ken and Carrie Ballard. Their passion for providing compassionate quality care for seniors began years ago, when they assisted in the operations of their family’s home care facilities. It was there, they realized their life long calling. Even at a young age, they both knew caring for seniors was what they wanted to do.