Hiring Home Care Providers for Post-Surgery Care
It’s common for elderly adults to need some kind of surgery to take care of illness, injury or age-related health conditions.
From cataract surgery to hip replacements, surgeries for seniors can range from minor to significant. When family members want to make sure their aging loved one is safe and healthy but can’t devote themselves to full-time care, they can turn to home care providers.
Home care providers are professionals that are trained to work with seniors in their own homes who need care. When elderly adults are not able to live independently and manage common daily tasks for themselves, they need help. Even if the elderly person is pretty independent normally, their abilities are often limited after surgery.
Family caregivers should look at hiring a professional home care provider before the surgery so that in the first few hours after returning home, the elderly person has professional help in place.
Caring for someone after surgery can be a real challenge, but professional caregivers know how to help. They can assist the elderly person with bathing, bathroom and grooming needs. Because many doctors want their patients to get up and walk regularly after the procedure, a home care professional can assist the senior with getting up and down and walking with support.
Even in the best of circumstances, elderly adults will face numerous challenges in the days and weeks after the operation. Of course, they are usually dealing with pain and discomfort from the procedure itself. Medications may affect them in ways that make them sleepy, jittery, or irritable. Often, they feel frustrated with their limitations of mobility and their lack of independence. Having a home care provider at their side may help ease some of these common post-surgery issues.
While seniors need to stay as active as they are allowed in the days and weeks after surgery, they should not go overboard. A home care provider can take care of things around the house, such as housekeeping, laundry, meal prep and even grocery shopping.
Home care providers can remind the recovering senior when to take their medications and even take them to get prescriptions refilled. They can also watch out for post-surgical complications like a fever, insomnia or depression and notify family members if anything unusual is happening. Follow-up medical appointments are numerous after surgery, but a home care provider can make sure the aging adult gets to each one.
The road to recovery can be long and difficult for elderly adults, but when they have a professional home care provider helping them at home, they are more likely to recover more quickly. Family members want the best for their elderly loved ones and hiring a home care provider after a surgery is one of the best ways to promote health and safety while recovering at home.
Are you or a family member considering Homecare in Sacramento, CA? Talk to the friendly staff at Golden Years In-Home Senior Care. Call us today at 916-333-0383. We are here when you need us!
About the Author, Carrie Ballard:
Golden Years In-Home Senior Care was founded by Ken and Carrie Ballard. Their passion for providing compassionate quality care for seniors began years ago, when they assisted in the operations of their family’s home care facilities. It was there, they realized their life long calling. Even at a young age, they both knew caring for seniors was what they wanted to do.